Sunday, November 18, 2012

November 14 [Day 51] (Cliff Hansen) The temperature was 0C at 0830, rose to a high of 4C at 1200 and 1300, and was 2C at the end of the day. Ground winds were mainly SW, 5-10 km/h, gusting to 25 km/h after 1100, 6-15 km/h after 1500 and becoming light at the end of the day, while ridge winds appeared to be moderate W all day. Cloud cover was 40-50% cumulus and altostratus until 1700 after which it was 20%. Despite excellent observing and migration conditions the only migrant raptors seen were two adult Golden Eagles gliding high above the Fisher Range at 1022. Other bird species recorded included 1 male Belted Kingfisher, 1 Northern Shrike, 1 Golden-crowned Kinglet, 3 Rusty Blackbirds and 2 Dark-eyed Juncos of the race cismontanus.
9 hours (521.09) GOEA 2 (3633) TOTAL 2 (2981)


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